Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Explanation of the surgery.

Many of you have asked what TJ's surgery entails. This is how it has been explained to us. TJ will be given a gas (with choice of scents) to put him to sleep. TJ then will be placed face down on the operating table. Dr. Smith will open up the back of his head, remove a small, 3 1/2 by 3 1/2 cm. piece of bone, use an instrument to shrink the tonsils, push them back up where they belong, and insert a piece of synthetic dura to seal this area. This will allow proper room for the brainstem and spinal column. She will then sew him up with dissolvable sutures. After the recovery room TJ will be taken to ICU for a day. The next day he will be moved into a regular room. Hopefully he will be able to go home on Thursday, November 20. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

1 comment:

samrudy said...

Hey TJ, wishing you a fast recovery. We know you'll do great! Love, Sheri & Dave & Scooby